Monthly Archives: October 2010

Craftsman House Numbers

Our 1931 bungalow is built in the craftsman style. While we certainly don’t embrace everything about this architecture style indoors, we do as much as we can to retain its character outside.

So, when we decided to upgrade our old house numbers, we thought a little DIY project would be a fun and easy way to do it. It was really simple, actually, and we ended up with this:

It was really simple, actually. I just made a frame out of some leftover plywood and trimmed it out with some one-inch plywood strips on the sides. We painted everything in some complementary colors and coated it all with polyurethane afterwards to keep it weather-safe.

For the numbers, I simply found a font in the craftsman style, printed out our house numbers, and freehand drew them on then painted it in a contrasting color. We only had to pick up the trim and a couple of the paint colors. The rest of the supplies we had on hand.


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